a London magical workshop ! 27-28-29 June 2017
3 days fantastic workshop
Location:central London…venue :
Phone: 0800 330 8005 / +44 (0)207 523 5063
Fax: 0207 523 5083 / +44 (0)207 523 508
all days starting 10am to 6 pm
day 1 :theory techniques and talking about composition,posing and lighting
day 2 :full day shooting indoor and outdoor
day 3 :full day editing in Lr and PS
What you need to bring
Day one: notepads or anything to keeping notes…its the theory day
Day two:Camera with 2-3 of your favourite lenses and any light you use (speedlights,continues,led etc)
Day three:A laptop with LR and Ps (nik color efex from google)
IMPORTANT !!!! Video recording its not allowed – you can keep notes and you can use voice recording !
3 masters of wppi together in London for the first time.
Each of them will share his style and his way under an intense but easy to learn programme
3 days full of editing,theory ,different style of techniques and tips for improving your skills
Shooting with ambient,led,icelight,strobes and speedlights and how to combine all of them and under everything condition.
Full of examples of “how to wow” and behind the scenes masterpieces.
“What makes an award winning image” and how to make it.
….and of course lots of fun
KEDA.Z: This is a very important class for everyone no matter you are senior or hobby or part-time photographer. How to create such amazing masterpiece for clients and competition like Keda.Z? Creativity and imagination? lighting? A series of theory and principal in Very important part is the live shooting with real models during the workshop and show you how to transform the images to extraordinary from pre-production to post-production.
Nik:How to posing everyone perfectly.How to found or “create” the light under any condition and very fast.
What can makes you different from your fellow photographer.
A very powerful and fast way to speed up your workflow in LR.
Album design …easy and fast !
Johnson wee: A worksop not to be missed! Johnson Wee will take you through how he ignited his creativity and imagination from the most unexpected sources and inspirations and apply to his masterpiece and also award winning submissions. From start to finish, he will show how he plans, lights, poses, shoots and then post process into JW signature masterpiece in the in depth 3 day workshop.
“How to Wow” with Fantastic 3 in London! 3 days full of latest editing, theory, different style of techniques and tips for improving your skills.
*Video recording on the editing day not allow…voice recording instead is possible
*all the deposits are not refundable
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